Thursday, 18 March 2010

Finishing A Book....

I haven't posted here for a bit because I've been through that annual bout of angst and exhausation known as finishing a book. I finally handed in 'Shadow Force' to Headline last week. No idea what they think of it yet. It seemed pretty good to me, but then you never really know....
One thing struck me as interesting. I have a strange reluctance to actually finish a book. I completed the first draft in January, then spent ages flaffing around, making small changes, tweaking lines, trying to iron out the typos. But I came away with the distinct impression I was reluctant to finish the thing.
I wonder if all writers experience that. It wouldn't surprise me. Finishing a book is a psychological hurdle that needs to be cleared much more than starting one. Up until, that point, you can always fiddle around, change things, fix things. But once it is in, it's in. There's nothing much you can do. You go from having total control over the manuscript to almost none. Scary.
And then of course there is the whole business of what people will think of it.
In fact, all that considered, it's amazing I got it in at all.

1 comment:

Haden said...

Hi Matt,

Wasnt there a Col Lynn in a certain someone's book? Hmmm...

Odd that you've not had many comments on your blog posts, but then I dont expect you need the validation...